What Is A Complex Personality? 6 Qualities That Make a person Complex.

We have heard expressions such as Self-awareness, Self-care, gratitude and humility but what’s “Complex personality” and what does it mean to be one? is it good to have one?

Absolutely Yes. opposite of a complex person would be someone who like routine, 9 to 5 job, Fixed weekend outing and flowing along with society norms. Please know that wanting all these things doesn’t mean its a bad thing. Its simply a preference.

Now, the opposite of a simple person can be called a complex person. They form their own opinion on the basis of their experience. They are quite curious and love to experiment in professional life. They are also self-reliant and love to take on new challenges.

We can say, A simple person can be someone who is dependent on others and the outside environment for their happiness and resolutions While a complex person sorts out their own issues and seek happiness within themselves

Anyne who feels they are missing something in life can work on themselves and gradually form a complex personality. It’s basically an upgrade to our own higher self when invested time in learning and training ourselves.

So What are the traits of a complex person and why should we try to adapt them? let’s dive in.

Emotional Intelligence:

Someone with a complex personality has higher emotional intelligence. They don’t try to control their emotions or resist them. They learn how to manage their emotions by completely feeling them. By Doing so, brings clarity to their mind and heart. They are self-compassionate people who can also feel the pain of others.

To be better at managing emotions, we need to receive the emotions as they come instead of fighting them. When feelings are not acknowledged, they can influence our perception and decisions in the wrong way. We must take care of ourselves by welcoming uncomfortable feelings, learn from them and then let them go.

Source of Happiness

Complex people create their own happiness by getting to know themselves through hobbies and experience. They mentally make a note when they truly experience the joy so it can be repeated in future. They don’t blame their outer environment when they aren’t happy but prefer to be in solitude to feel better and recharged.

When you realize that happiness is found within, you stop blaming the circumstances or people and work on your own happiness.

It’s important to become mindful of “What genuinely makes you happy” because sometimes what we think makes us happy achieves quite the opposite of it. ‘For instance Toxic relationships or a habit that’s not healthy for you. You must reflect and remove toxicity from your life.

A Great Listener.

When someone is a good listener it’s because they learn by listening to others. Likewise, a complex person loves to listen to conversations, not only with friends or family but with everyone. Understanding human natures fuels their fire of curiosity. They are explorers but of a soul. They love asking questions that are meaningful and sensible that you would love to answer.

By paying total attention, they charm people’s hearts and win their trust easily and make them feel comfortable.

Practice becoming a good listener because this quality can healthify your relationship. It’s easy to talk about yourself but it shows compassion and love when you genuinely listen.

Loving & Living.

A complex person knows the value of the present moment. It’s the only place where happiness, joy and the future can be created. They believe in living their present- mindfully and appreciating every moment. They value each day by being grateful for it. They express love and make unconditional efforts for their partners.

Remember, The motto of life is to live fully, love sincerely and laugh fully. We can be a bit cruel to ourselves by overthinking and stressing when we can’t even control it and that only creates negative energy inside us. Such unnecessary negativity not only affects us but the people around us as well.

Be Present with yourself and those around you. Life has so much to offer but we can only take it when we are available to it. Surround yourself with things that inspire you and make you love your life even more.

A Hardcore Learner

Complex personality pushes their boundaries through hard work and hunger for more growth. They turn each experience into lessons to learn from them and implement. They can’t stay in their comfort zone for long because not learning in life makes them miserable. They stretch their horizon by trying different things to collect experience and learn new things

Likewise, You can always learn new things through life experiences. After all, Being wise and mature is not an ultimate destiny but it’s to be more adaptable in life and change with time while still retaining your core qualities.

Remember, learning is not only limited to education but other ways like Reflecting, Experimenting and Evolving as a person.

Divine Aura.

To define aura-“As human beings, we radiate a very low level of electricity that’s otherwise known as an electromagnetic field,”

The aura can be so powerful because it can calm you down, making you comfortable and relaxed in their company. You don’t feel intimidated or anxious around them. They engage you in conversations that bring out your personality and character, letting your light shine. They listen to you with genuine care. Instead of seeking attention, they love to devote attention.

Their energy is vibrant and peaceful. You would never feel uncomfortable around them.

We are fully capable to create a beautiful aura for ourselves. When you stop depending on life to present you with opportunities and carve your own path, You stand out differently in crowd and attrach whats meant to be yours.