Meditation for a happy and peaceful life. 3 Techniques to practice meditation.


Which is a Hebrew word meaning peace, prosperity and welfare to you. Just like this beautiful word, Meditation is a technique to achieve what shalom means, serenity for your mind and soul. The ultimate benefit that we gain from meditation is the ability to disconnect our mind from unnecessary baggage that we hold onto, things we cannot control and all other elements in life that bring our spirit down.

Balance means everything, spiritually and physically but it’s not sustainable unless practised over and over. If we are feeling balanced today, but tomorrow, we won’t be feeling balanced anymore because that’s life. Meditation works the same way by practising to learn more about ourselves. To welcome the unknown in our life with open hearts. Meditation helps you to bring that balance and bring mental peace and harmony free from its chaos.

Often we find ourselves stressed, anxious, lost and so many other negative emotions that weigh us down. It creates a hindrance that stops us from being the best version of ourselves because We let those negative emotions absorb our positivity and spirit, leaving us exhausted and lost.

Firstly, It’s okay to feel that way. It’s part of life to go through different ups and downs. Secondly, It’s also our responsibility to lift ourselves from such a state. Our mind sometimes deals with very disturbing frequencies which disrupt our peace for instance any bad news, worries related to your job, relationship’s issues and so on.

Mediation is a spiritual practice that aims to provide serenity, relaxation, mental clarity and improves concentration. It’s not only for someone who is stressed, frustrated or depressed but for anyone or everyone who wants to reach their higher self.

When you start a meditation practice, please do not expect yourself to sit for hours with a focused mind or an empty mind ( depends on your meditation type) because that takes time however what you can do is to make time for it first, follow it with dedication.

Here are some of the Basic meditation technique:

Breathing Meditation

To practice this technique, Lie down or sit comfortably. Use a cushion for your comfort if you like.

Try to keep your surrounding as quiet as possible.

Close your eyes, for better relaxation, try an eye cool mask if you’re lying down.

Now simply breathe, without controlling it; simply breathe naturally. Let your breath guide your mind.

Focus your attention on how your body moves with every breath. Listen to your breathing sound.

Observe how your chest, shoulder and your ribs are rising as you breathe.

If your mind wanders, return your attention to your breath.

This technique leads you to feel one’s stillness and existence all at once which brings you peace of mind and deep relaxation.

Mantra Meditation

Another Meditation technique involves chanting a mantra over and over.

Sit with your legs folded, spine erect and your eyes closed. Your hands over your knees.

You can choose any mantra or word you wish as long as you believe in the existence of the same word or mantra.

You can repeat that mantra in your mind while barely speaking it or can lightly whisper.

Focus all your attention on the vibration you feel when you chant the mantra, it leads you to experience a deeper level of awareness.

Repetition of mantra keeps your mind and thoughts focused and when your mind wanders, come back to the mantra you were chanting.

Focus Meditation

To practice this technique,

Take any object, it could be a picture, flower, a vase basically anything which stimulates or prompt your senses.

Put that object in front of you and divert all your attention to its detail.

Use your Vision and bring that object in your thoughts, imagine yourself touching that object, caressing it, smelling it.

This practice helps to deepen your focus while you pay attention.

If you like, try all 3 mediation techniques to discover which one you find more peaceful and effective. Remember it can take some time to reach a level where your mind is focused and in control. Do not get frustrated, Be patient with yourself, learn and evolve. I promise Meditation can provide you with a perspective that changes your life forever in a better and positive way.

Don’t forget to share if any of these techniques worked for you, looking forward to your feedback.