4 Difficulties That Leads To Failed Relationships.

Failed Relationships

Failed Relationships are more in Numbers than Healthy ones.

Times have changed and along with it, the Whole dating world has taken a spin. Commitment is overwhelming for people. Healthy Relationships are hard to find. Where did we go wrong?

Dating is now more convenient due to dating apps but finding a genuine connection is harder than ever. When you do meet someone nice, one issue or another is enough to call it over.

To Build a healthy relationship is not easy yet it bears the most fruit if nurtured carefully. Problems are inevitable in any relationship but If you can focus on solving the problem together instead of fighting each other, that relationship can thrive in any weather.

Let’s shed some light on these issues and work our way out:

Trust Issues

We live in a world where getting suspicious is normal but trusting people easily is not. Trust issues are old baggage for many people after being with someone who broke their trust. It gets passed down in relationships OR grow in a current relationship if their partner’s behaviour is contradictory.

When a person in relationship doesn’t trust their partner due to their past history or the damage of lies from current relations, all relationships will suffer and won’t move forward.

Trust issue is hard weed to pull out however with the right conversations and intentions, this issue can be resolve. Transparency becomes the key to ease your partner is trusting you again. When two people can be absolutely vulnerable and share their insecurities without feeling judged, it builds a new kind of Trust that is capable of healing all other wounds.

Minimum Efforts

With Dating Apps ready to replace your current partner, It’s harder for people to put effort into one relationship without looking for other options. It only takes one problem to give up their current progress with someone and find entirely a new person.

It’s a delusional to believe that options are as wide as ocean. You can pick any person yet it still require efforts, dedication and attention to flourish any relationship. One person’s efforts can’t make up for both people. Your partner needs to be dedicated to build a healthy relationship.

If your partner provides the bare minimum, doesn’t appreciate you or respect you, it damages the relationship. It create friction and slowly the love withers away. The choice is yours to settle or find someone who meets you halfway.

To speak of it openly with your partner is necessary otherwise they’ll never know how you feel about it. If you see a change in their actions, their love is still profound for you. If you don’t- simply give them space to figure out their priority and move on.


Living in modern times offered us freedom and unconditional choices, to be Whoever you want to be. Now, we are strong-headed and independent people who don’t like the idea of adjusting/compromising for someone. Our career and goals are more important that making time for our partners.

In such times, If only one keep compromising for the other, that person soon loses their identity and completely depends on the other person for their happiness. The non-compromising partner in turn stops respecting their partner and choices, take their partner for granted.

It takes two people who can adjust for each other unconditionally without holding negativity to flourish their love.


Growing Apart.

Throughout Life, each person keep on changing, If not willingly then through circumstances. When two people have been together for a long time, It’s natural to grow in different directions. It takes mutual efforts to evolve and grow together. To keep the spark alive, requires consistent effort, forgiveness, selfless love and “two people” who are willing to do so.

It’s possible to outgrow your partner with time. The Choice lies on both the person in a relationship. Whether to reignite the spark or simply go separate ways. If you stay, remember it’s important to include your partner in achievements, failures or ideas that’s in your mind to strengthen your bond. It’s a daily practice to put efforts to meet them on the same page everyday but when done right, the bond is unbreakable.

3 thoughts on “4 Difficulties That Leads To Failed Relationships.

  1. There are several factors of relationship failures. Whatever you have mentioned are true and among the most common ones. While no one loves to compromise and if one does, that too is taken as a wrong sign by the other person. We talk a lot about compatibility and sacrifices in a relationship which are the key pillars on which the foundation of a relationship is laid. These factors are very important and if these are missing from the relationship, there will be a moment when the relationship will take a painful approach and that will end up being traumatic.

    1. I totally Agree! Relationships become stronger if you have a mutual understanding and acknowledge the adjustment of another person.
      Thank you for the feedback.

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